We’re here to let you know that, no matter who you are, where you came from or what you’re starting out with, you have the power to lead a rich life!!!! 

We’re on a mission to empower people around the globe to make money so that they can go out and do good with it! 

Let us preface by saying that we feel extremely privileged and grateful for our circumstances! We know we’re lucky to have been born in able bodies and loving families in America where we’re free to live out our dreams. 

We’d also like to note that we realize how fortunate we are to be in a partnership. There’s no doubt that our ability to lean on one another has played a key role in our success. But if you’re feeling like you’re not sure if you’ll be able to do it on your own… You don’t have to! 

We’re here to guide you with the tools and practices that we’ve used to create an abundant life together! 

is simpler than you think!!!! 

Manifesting Money



Defining “Rich”

To be rich is to have all of your desires easily met.

Getting rich isn’t about keeping up with the Jones. Your ideal of rich isn’t going to look like anyone else’s—which means there’s plenty to go around! It’s about shifting from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset!

“What is desired by you is destined for you!!”

  • Kathrine Zenkina 

We’re each programed with unique desires and callings. You were born with a one-of-a-kind dharma or way in which you are meant to serve the world. 

When you’re living in alignment with your dharma, things will come easily to you!!! The Universe will support you!!! You’ll find yourself in a state of flow.  This is God’s way of cheering you on and saying “YES! Keep going!! You’re headed in the right direction!” 

Our goal as your coaches is to help you enter that flow state so that you can access the infinite supply of abundance that is and always has been available to you!!!!!  

wondering how we got here?

We’re Shannon & Alex–two entrepreneurs with a desire to make the most of every day!!! In pursuit of more freedom and joy in our daily lives, we both quit our traditional jobs and set out to make a living on our own terms, doing more of what we love! 

Together, we run multiple businesses including two vacation rental properties in our hometown of Pittsburgh, PA!

Alex is the numbers guy!  With his background in finance and accounting, he keeps us on track with the legalities and logistics that go into running a business, while I’m the visionary who dreams big for the both of us! 

People are constantly coming to us with business and money questions, wondering how we’ve managed to create multiple streams of income while still making time to travel, rest and live out our dreams.  

We love nothing more than helping people to create more freedom in their lives and can’t help brainstorming new business ideas around the dinner table each night!!! It’s our passion!!!!

This has inspired us to join forces and create a program that combines or superpowers and lays out all the secrets to our success! 

We’d be honored to work with you!