🌙 manifesting with the moon

🌙 manifesting with the moon

The Guidebook

manifesting with the moon

The simple, yet transformative manifestation ritual I'm sharing in this guide is inspired by the cyclical rhythms of nature. Using the four primary phases of the lunar cycle, I’ll teach you my practice for “manifesting with the moon” so that you can reach new heights in your life and career without the consistent crash and burn.

You have a divine purpose to fulfill. How can you support the people who need you if you’re overwhelmed and burned out? Follow this ritual for a sustainable solution so that you can stop hustling for good.

Manifesting with the Moon Guidebook →

follow your bliss


follow your bliss ☀︎


a free three-video series on youtube

Shannon recorded these lessons in the Fall of 2023 for her women’s group The Good Coven. Catch the replays for free on Youtube.

You are magic

You are magic ❊

Full Moon Gatherings

✷ virtual celebrations over zoom ✷

With a desire to connect Moonbeams around the world, Shannon hosts virtual meetups for her community on a seasonal basis.

Click the button below to register for the next one!


we belive in a world where all beings can thrive

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